Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Legacy by Kristin Tranter

"While the plot overall was good, I feel like the author could have chopped at least 50 pages of description from this book. The first two thirds of this novel were spent developing the characters. While this is obviously important, at times it seemed like overkill. Now, looking at the book as a whole, it just seems unnecessary. Besides character description, she spent a lot of time on describing things, places, situations. Maybe I just didn't "get it" but a good majority of these lengthy descriptions didn't seem to relate to anything else or have much purpose at all. Maybe this has more to do with personal preference, but most of the novel, I felt like shouting, "ok, get on with it!" The last third of the book was very good and kept my attention (as long as I skimmed through a few of the paragraphs full of description that didn't pertain to anything). I like the way the author had many different themes stretching through book. She used dreams to examine many of these. Overall, this was a decent story, just felt like it took too long to tell it."

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